Wednesday, February 7, 2007

the meaning of cock upness

The thing is i am supposedly being followed by female entity for almost two months now but i didnt know abt it till abt 3 weeks ago. It all started 3 weeks ago when i had this same dream for 3 nites straight on the nite it was abit different i actually like wanted to confront her i dunno what made me do it but i did it. So the next morning i woke up with a scratch on my face so i panic abit ah it told my mom about and she didnt think much of it she just asked me to put the novena prayer book under the pillow and suah. My dad was the best he told me i should stop reading horror stories and ghost movies. Then all of a sudden the whole game plan change cos two of my aunties had a dream about me being followed by a ghost, my mom and dad stone big time. Last sunday some guy came to see me to drive the spirit away. He came started chanting all letgo his finger here and there abit told me is something following me for 2 months all ask me to do this and that talk cock here and there he ciao. Thats were everything cock up as if it isnt bad enough having a female spirit following you around now i got to deal with my parents, they telling me i cannot come back late cannot buy food home after 12 that kinda of bullshit ah i am getting damn fed-up i tell you its not funny anymore ah. In the first place rite why in the world the spirit would want to follow me its like it has nothing better to do ah and it gave my parents a very good reason for my parents to make me stay at home and not go out till late its damn screwed up ah anyways i gotta go sleep now hope you read the next post and in the words of a wise Italian CIAO!


kaiyan said...

i tink she is attracted to ur voice dat why she follow you...haaha

kaiyan said...

i tink she is attracted to ur voice dat why she follow you...haaha